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Murray, KY


A place to view and purchase some of my photography.

Elf on the Shelf Day 1.jpg


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Animal Photography

Kristopher Keen

While a tripod is a great tool, especially in a studio setting, it isn't always practical.  I was shooting some schnauzers the other day, had the lighting all set up, the back drop set up ready for the dogs.  I put the camera on a tripod, but soon realized when the dogs were in the shoot that they are far to active to restrict myself to only one angle on a tripod.  I kicked it out of the way and got some great shots.   See my animals section to see the final results of this shoot.

Weekly Tip

Kristopher Keen

Always bring an spare camera with you on a paid shoot.  You never know when you are going to have problems with your favorite camera.  What if you drop the camera? What if it gets soaked?  You will always want a spare.  An inexpensive point and shoot camera can save the shoot and get the shots that you promised you would get.  Don't promise the camera to the customer, promise the photo.

Happy Shooting
