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Murray, KY


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Creepy Elf on the Shelf Day 3


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Creepy Elf on the Shelf Day 3

Kristopher Keen

So, tonight I decided to do a creepy elf on the shelf photo. Sam has been cooped up in a little apartment for too long. Quarantine has been hard on us all. Sam’s mission has been sidetracked by this stupid virus as it has been for many others from this and other realms and beyond, who knew that Santa could be effected by this virus.

Sam has been ordered by the big man “Santa” to stay where he is. He checked into the local hotel to wait the pandemic out. A month went by, he was still stuck in the same hotel. Luckily the local beer store offers free delivery to hotel residence. Things were starting to get crazy. Sam finds himself in the shower beer cans everywhere, Beer is not what the problem is. Sam has discovered vodka. So much better than the lite beer he was used to. The bottles to normal people would be a single shot, would last Sam many hours. but course there was many hours to kill.

The sketch you find below is Sam in the worst state of his life. It is depressing to see someone with such ambition and goals being stopped in his track by such a dangerous little germ.

Creepy Elf on the Shelf Day 3 Sketch

Creepy Elf on the Shelf Day 3 Sketch

The photo you see below is a live photo of the result of what quarantine will do to an elf. Picture this for a person that can consume a whole lot more than Sam. Quarantine is necessary but bad in the same way. Sam needs to get back to work and put a stop to the Elf on the Shelf.

Elf on the Shelf Photo

Elf on the Shelf Photo