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Murray, KY


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Creepy Elf on the Shelf Day 5

Kristopher Keen

Day 5,

Sam finds himself on a streak catching the elf. Today he was sitting on the shelf minding his own business when the little red “Elf on the Shelf” came strolling by. He just couldn’t resist. One swift swoop and he was captured. Caught behind glass the little elf had no idea what happened. How did I get in here, he though? Then he saw the hands of Sam reach around and glass and start to laugh. Although you guys are too cute for your own good, you just don’t seam to move very fast. I guess you little guys have had many years of slow movements to prevent getting caught by the little children in which you are suppose to be watching. What’s that in your hands, did you accept a bribe? What did the little kid do that was so wrong that he felt he didn’t want Santa to know about?

I hope you enjoyed this story and this photo. Below is the concept sketch as always along with the final photo.

Elf on the Shelf Day 5 Sketch

Elf on the Shelf Day 5 Sketch

Elf on the Shelf Day 5

Elf on the Shelf Day 5

Let me know if you have any questions about this series. At the time of writing this post all the photos in the series have been shot and I am in the process of putting together the product concept. I will be officially launching the prints hopefully by the 1st of December so my fans can have them in their home for the holiday season.

Happy Elf Hunting. Don’t forget to pay the elf off