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Murray, KY


A place to view and purchase some of my photography.


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Self Portrait, NOT A SELFIE

Kristopher Keen

Have you ever dipped your feet into self portraiture?  I have focused on that over the last week.  

Several months ago I was at a yard sale and came across a very artsy and creep mask.  I had no idea what I was going to do with it, but I figured something would come up.  I have carried it in my work truck since I got it, tumbling around in the back seat, and frankly I forgot about it.   I was straightening up the truck the other day and found it again. 

I got back from work and was carrying it in my hands as I came into the hotel.   The front desk lady stopped me.  “What are you going to do with that”?  At first I was confused, then I looked down, forgetting that it was in my hand.  I laughed and told her I was planning on taking some photos this evening.  

After getting dressed, I headed downstairs and walked out the door to take my photos.  I decided I was going to use the wooded area next to the hotel.  As I walked across the parking lot, almost all of my co-workers were out there and saw me walking with my tripod camera and mask.  I just waved.  For most of the people that know me, know that I usually do what I am going to do. 

I set the tripod up, put on the mask, and started setting myself in different positions in the trees and bushes.  After about 10 or so photos I decided I had enough.  I packed up my stuff headed back into the hotel to download and edit. 

I got to my room, grabbed a bottle of wine and my IPad and headed down to the outdoor seating area to download and edit while sittings by a fire.  After looking at all the photos I took, I decided to have me centralized and a bunch of floating mask everywhere.  

Second of the week. 

Saturday was an extremely wet day all day long.   I didn’t get a chance to go out and take some photos.   I woke up Sunday morning,  I was sitting in bed, listening to some music, and reading a book.  I noticed the light coming in from the window was awesome.  Perfectly lighting my book.  I got inspired.  I set my camera up on my TV stand, since I forgot my tripod in the truck and didn’t want to go get it. I straightened the sheets, jumped back in bed, posed myself reading my book and just sitting up in bed.   I got a couple really nice shots.

I hope you enjoy this blog, come back for more.
